
Upright Downtime: Making Wise Choices about Entertainment is unavailable, but you can change that!

How should Christians have fun? When God created human beings, He gave them the capacity and desire for pleasure. Human entertainment can glorify the Lord by expressing joy and creativity. But when unrestrained, it often degenerates into self-gratification. Living in a society that pursues and worship pleasure, believers today often struggle with a right view of entertainment. How much time...

to drown out truth. Life under the curse brings toil, suffering, misery, and despair to the heart of man. Pleasure offers a temporary escape from reality. Neumeyer and Neumeyer observe, “Eventual leisure has been the dream of the human race. The world has longed for rest and for freedom from want and the struggle for existence.”9 When a person watches television, plays games, listens to music, enjoys sports, or engages in a hobby, he suspends momentarily the sorrow, pain, and pressure that his conscience
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